The 7 Best Smelling Fragrant Indoor Plants You Must Grow

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 07, 2024


Lavender isn’t just a beautiful-looking plant, it smells wonderful as well!


Gardenia is one of the more famous fragrant indoor plants. This houseplant has dark green glossy leaves and white flowers, which waft a delicious aromatic sense.


With its thick green leaves and pretty white flowers, Jasmine is known for being one of the more elegant indoor plant options. This plant produces a sweet and delicate aroma, which many compare to fresh linens.

Hoya Plant

Hoya Plant has green waxy foliage, with a cluster of umbrella-shaped flowers. It is famous for its sweet fragrance, especially in the evening. This plant is also gaining huge popularity among indoor gardeners, because of its delightful aroma.


Orchids come in all colors with a wide variety of blooms. They also each have their own unique scent.

Lemon balm

Lemon balm is a perennial herb that grows thick and bushy. If you brush or lightly rub the leaves, you’ll find a sweet lemon aroma.


Geraniums are one of the best-looking plants because of their flower spikes! This plant has scented foliage, making it quite different from the other fragrant indoor plants in this list.


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