The Life Of Emotions:7 Scientific Facts About Emotions

Priyanka Soam
Sep 16, 2024

Emotions Are Controlled By The Brain

The brain is the emotional center of the body including the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex, which process and regulate emotional responses.

Fear Comes From The Amygdala

The amygdala is a small almond-shaped structure located in the left and right temporal lobes of the brain and this helps our body detect threats and triggers the body's fear response and release stress hormones like adrenaline.

Emotions Are Regulated By Neurotransmitters

Brain function is controlled by neurotransmitters such as noradrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin, which help our body to influence mood motivation, and emotional state.

Sports Are A Natural Antidepressant

daily physical activity like sports or exercise helps to promote the production of serotonin and endorphins, known as the happiness hormones that boost our mood and reduce stress.

Memory Can Affect Emotions

Past experiences and memories can evoke strong emotions as the limbic system perceives memories as emotional stimuli, that interact between memory and emotional processing.

Emotions Are Also Managed In The Gut

Your gut is the second brain of the body, is it produces several neurotransmitters that control the function of the digestive system, they also secrete 95% of the serotonin present in the body which helps to influence emotional well-being.

Smells Can Trigger Emotions

Olfactory receptors in the nose activate brain regions that are associated with the limbic system, the region of the brain which regulates emotions.


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