The Side Effects of Eating Eggs Daily

Prachi Kapruwan
Sep 02, 2024


This web story is meant for informational purposes only and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.

High Cholesterol

Eating eggs daily might result in increased blood cholesterol levels as they are extremely high in cholesterol.

Digestive Problem

Eating eggs without limit may lead to digestive issues.

Risk of Diabetes

Some studies and research reveal that high consumption of eggs may risk the chance of developing type 2 diabetes.

Formation of Kidney stone

Eggs are high in oxalate levels. This can be one of the reasons for formation of kidney stones if consumed more.

Skin issues

Lecithin, a compound found in eggs results in skin issues if consumed without limit.

Weight Gain

Eggs if eaten daily may cause weight gain in individuals.

Risk of Heart Disease

It has been researched that excessive consumption of eggs may increase the chances of heart attack.

Egg Allergy

People may observe allergic reactions like hives, swelling, digestive issues etc.


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