Things Girls Secretly Desire but Don't Ask For

Vanshika Gaur
Sep 18, 2024


A girl loves it when her partner shows her Affection and gestures such as compliments, hugs etc. This makes them feel Loved.

Quality Time

Girls love when they spend time with their partner and have deep meaningful conversations and also love to create memories.


Surprises such as Handwritten letters, handpicked fruits or flowers etc. makes them feel special and they cherish every moment of it.

Emotional Support

Girls are known to be much more emotional than Boys. Girls expect that their partners will support them emotionally and understand them in an emotional situation.


When their partners encourage and motivate them towards their career, goals and Aspirations, it makes them feel great and lets them know that there is someone who believes in them.

Respect and Validation

Respecting her thoughts, opinions and validating them makes the girls respect their partner even more. It also creates a strong bond with their partner.

Sense of Security

Giving reassurance and communicating your feelings with girls from time to time gives them a sense of security.


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