Things To Avoid In Front Of Kids

Here are a few things which parents should avoid saying or doing in front of their kids

Ritesh K Srivastava
Jul 13, 2023

Building Your Kid's Character

Children learn a lot from their parents, hence the onus of building their child’s persona also lies in their hands

Be Cautious About Your Actions

It is imperative for parents to be extra cautious about what they say and do in front of their kids

Don't Speak Ill About Others

Parents should not talk ill about their own family members in front of their kids

Don't Fight In Front Of Kids

Parents should not fight or argue in front of their children

Don't Criticise Your Kids' School

Don't speak ill about your child's school and teachers

Avoid Discussing Explicit Details

Parents should not discuss explicit details about their intimate relationships, financial problems, marital discords etc with their kids.

Avoid Discussing Sensitive Matters

Parents should avoid discussions about divorce or separation, violence or explicit language or personal criticisms of family members or friends.|


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