Top 10 Popular Color Roses And there Meaning

All Image Credit: Freepik

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 17, 2024

Red Rose

The most popular color of rose with over 60% of sale on special days as it symbolizes love.

Yellow Rose

The beautiful bright color represents sunlight, it is a symbol of friendship and joy.

White Rose

These are classical beauties that are often seen on occasions representing purity, loyalty and young love.

Pink Rose

Pretty color that represents family love.

Purple Roses

Not so common colors available in the market. It represents loyalty and sincerity towards someone.

Blue Rose

They are one of the rarest colors and are reserved for true love.

Orange Rose

Beautiful bright colors represent fun, happiness and are gifted as a mood-lifter.

Hot Pink Rose

They symbolize gratitude and are a special choice for a boyfriend and girlfriend.

Peach Roses

They are considered as a cute gesture that symbolizes gratitude, perfect for friends and loved ones.


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