Top 5 Amazing Benefits Of Consuming Ajwain

Prachi Kapruwan
Sep 04, 2024


This web story is meant for informational purposes only and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.

Ajwain is high in fiber, antioxidants, and other beneficial nutrients, which help in improving cholesterol levels and indigestion.

Lower blood pressure

A significant component of Ajwain – Thymol, helps block calcium from entering the cells of our heart, lowering blood pressure.

Prevent coughing

Ajwain provide relief from coughing, help in improving airflow to the lungs.

Fight Bacteria and Fungi

Ajwain may combat potentially harmful bacteria with its powerful antibacterial and anti fungal properties.

Relieves indigestion

Ajwain seeds help in preventing and treating gas and chronic indigestion.

Improve cholesterol level

Ajwain helps in reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels, prime factors for heart-related diseases.


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