Top 7 Books For Every Graduate Entrepreneur

Shubhi Kumar
Sep 13, 2024

The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey

Probably one of the most well-known self-help books ever written, and one you've undoubtedly heard of, this is the essential guide for anyone looking to advance their career.

Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller

Convincing messaging to engage customers is made easier for marketers and business owners by the StoryBrand process.

This is Marketing by Seth Godin

"This is Marketing" offers guidance on effective marketing for corporate teams, small business owners, and tech founders alike.

Predictable Revenue by Aaron Ross

For sales leaders looking to guarantee steady, yearly business growth, "Predictable Revenue" provides a tried-and-true framework.

The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

Using validation, identifying a profitable business model, and developing a growth engine, The Lean Startup offers wantrepreneurs and entrepreneurs alike a practical, semi-scientific approach to starting and growing a company.

The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris

"The Lean Startup" offers business owners a methodical approach to model, validate, and expand their venture.

Never Split The Difference by Chris Voss

Regardless of your role as an entrepreneur, CEO, or just an average person, this book will offer you an alternative viewpoint on negotiating anything from multimillion-dollar contracts to a raise with your employer.


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