Top 7 Most Famous Painters in History

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 27, 2024

Leonardo da Vinci

Known for masterpieces like “Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper”, Leonardo was a Renaissance polymath whose works are renowned for their composition, depth, and subtle use of light and shadow.


Another giant of the Renaissance, Michelangelo was a master sculptor, painter, and architect. His frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and ‘The Last Judgment’ are among the most influential works.

Vincent van Gogh

A Dutch pot-impressionist, Van Gogh’s use of colour and emotion in works like ‘Starry Night’ and ‘Sunflowers’ has made him one of the most beloved artists in history.

Pablo Picasso

A Spanish painter and sculptor, Picasso was a co-founder of Cubism. His work spans a wide range of styles, with ‘Guernica’ and ‘Les Demoiselles d’Avignon’ being particularly iconic.


A Dutch Baroque painter, Rembrandt is best known for his portraits and use of light and shadow. ‘The Night Watch’ and ‘The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp’ are his most famous works.

Claude Monet

A founder of French Impressionism, Monet’s works like ‘Water Lilies’ and ‘Impression’, ‘Sunrise’ are celebrated for their vibrant light and colour.

Johannes Vermeer

A Dutch painter known for his masterful treatment of light, Vermeer’s works like ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ and ‘The Milkmaid’ are revered for their delicate beauty.


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