Top 7 Relationship Advice by Gaur Gopal Das

Sep 02, 2024


A relationship only works when you are present in your partner's low time too, not only during their good times.


Often we are so angry that we are not able to forgive our partner but forgiving each other is the key to a Healthy relationship. But make sure that your partner is not taking advantage of your Forgiveness.


Where there is Love, there is Respect. Make sure you and your partner respect each other.


Whether it be Small or Big, Efforts do matter. If you are not putting efforts for your partner then it might affect your relationship.


Communicating your feelings with your partner may resolve fights or misunderstandings between you. Communication is the Key after all.


Your relationship or bond gets stronger only when you give time to your partner. Giving and taking out time for your partner shows how much you care about them.


You and your partner should know where and when to draw boundaries and you should not entertain any third person who is ruining your relationship.


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