Top 7 Rewarding Careers for Students Who Avoid Maths

Siddhi Sharma
Oct 05, 2024


A career in writing or journalism allows you to explore creativity and research without delving into sophisticated maths if you have a passion for reporting or storytelling.

Graphic Designer

Embrace your creative side and pursue a fulfilling career in graphic design. In this area, creativity is more important than numerical aptitude, from branding to advertising.


Make a career out of helping people by becoming a psychologist. Rather than numbers, this career focusses on understanding human behaviour and emotional health.


The main components of lawyer law are advocacy, research, and critical thinking. Math is subordinate to legal thinking and analysis in legal fields such as corporate law, criminal defence, and civil rights.

Social Worker

Become a social worker and change society for the better. With little to no arithmetic involved, this vocation concentrates around assisting people in overcoming social and personal obstacles.


A profession as a chef combines culinary expertise and creativity. You'll be less concerned with solving mathematics problems and more focused on creating tasty meals.

Public Relations Expert

Public relations experts construct a brand’s image and communicate with the public. There's less need for complicated maths when strong communication and strategic thinking are at the forefront.


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