Top 8 Classroom Habits Of Toppers That Every Student Should Adopt

Prachi Kapruwan
Sep 09, 2024


Toppers come on time, complete every lesson, and never miss important instructions.


Topper students come to class prepared with lessons and ready with any assignments or readings completed.

Positive mind

They maintain a positive attitude towards learning new things which helps them gather information better.

Regular Review

They regularly review their notes and daily learnings to ensure they remain current with the curriculum and are well-prepared for exams.

Group collaboration

Toppers frequently engage in group projects or conversations, utilizing their peers' expertise to enhance their understanding.

Effective Time Management

Topper students effectively manage their class time by balancing their time between taking notes, listening, and contributing.

Consistent note taking

They take thorough, well-organized notes, which facilitates simpler review and improved memory.

Focus during lecture

Toppers pay close attention to the teacher and avoid distractions during class to stay focused.


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