Topper Secret Revealed: 6 Best Memory Hacks For Excellent Performance

All Image Credit: Freepik

Yashshvi Srivastava
Sep 09, 2024

Memory Hacks

Let’s find out helpful hacks to make your memory stronger and you smarter.


In this hack, people create a picture of the information so as to remember for a longer time. For example, one can link the capital of states with its famous thing.


In this trick, one links things with the other so as to remember other things easily. For example, one can link the name of the person with his favorite things.


This hack helps to remember things more easily after splitting them in small-small parts.


To remember difficult things, one can use songs, shayari or rhyming words to relate the words and learn easily.


In this hack one creates short forms of the long paragraph, word or sentences for example NASA which stands for (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)


To enhance your memory, repeat the word, paragraph or chapter again and again so that it can stay in your brain for a longer time.


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