Weekly Love Horoscope For August 26- September 1

Astrologer and Vastu consultant Rosie Jasrotia predicts how your week will turn out to be, romantically!

Olivia Sarkar
Aug 25, 2024


Any external interference in your romantic relationship could create challenges in your life. It's advisable to make decisions cautiously this week. You may feel more drawn to your partner, leading to restlessness, but friends can offer support during this time.


At the start of the week, your romantic relationship may lack stability, and there could be feelings of distrust between you and your partner. As the week progresses, anxiety may increase, causing restlessness. Tension with your partner might arise, but approaching the situation with patience and diplomacy can lead to happiness and prosperity.


This week, you may find yourself distanced from your partner for various reasons, though you will still hope for improvements in your relationship. By the week's end, you might feel worried and sad internally, unable to share your concerns with anyone.


You may consider proposing to someone, but this could cause some tension in the relationship. If you're already in a romantic relationship or married, you might receive a gift from your partner. However, it's advisable to delay any decisions related to your love life towards the end of the week.


This week, it's important to keep your ego in check. At the start of the week, you might feel angry or uneasy about something in your love life, particularly involving a woman. It's crucial to resolve these issues through open communication. Stubbornness will only lead to frustration. Making decisions with patience and calmness will help turn the situation in your favor.


This week promises happiness and prosperity, offering several opportunities to strengthen your romantic relationship. You may spend money on your partner and receive positive outcomes in return. You might also plan a romantic outing or date with your significant other.


At the start of the week, you'll feel a strong physical attraction towards your partner, making it a favorable time for your relationship. However, by the end of the week, some tension and bitterness may arise between you.


Family disputes may arise concerning your love life, leading to tension, despite the attraction towards your partner. However, by the end of the week, the situation may turn unfavorable, making it an inopportune time to make any significant decisions.


This week, with the help of friends, you'll receive a positive response from your partner. Your love life will be enjoyable, and mutual affection will grow. As the week ends, you'll want to spend quality time with your partner, feeling relaxed and content.


This week, with the support of your friends, you can strengthen your relationship. It will be a pleasant and favorable time for your love life, presenting numerous opportunities to deepen your connection.


At the start of the week, you'll feel passionate about love, and you might receive a gift from your partner. You'll also have family support, leading to improvements in your relationship and a deepening of mutual affection. This week will be favorable for your love life, allowing you to enjoy a pleasant time with your loved ones throughout.


This week will be favorable for your love relationship, with mutual affection growing stronger. If you find yourself in unrequited love, the support of friends will be helpful. For those already in a relationship, fostering harmony with your partner by respecting each other's perspectives will enhance mutual love. This week is ideal for strengthening your love life through communication. Addressing issues through conversation will bring more peace and increase mutual affection.


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