What Happens If You Only Sleep for 3 Hours a Night for a Week?

Shubhi Kumar
Sep 12, 2024


Depression or anxiety may result from sleep loss.

Weight gain

Loss of sleep has been linked to weight growth.

Cognitive ability

Lack of sleep can have a detrimental effect on your judgment and your capacity to evaluate your cognitive abilities. You run the danger of making bad choices as a result, including driving while intoxicated.


Lack of sleep can affect insulin production, raising the possibility of type 2 diabetes.

Immune system

Lack of sleep can impair immunity, leaving you more vulnerable to illness.

Brain health

Alzheimer's disease may result from a buildup of harmful proteins in the brain brought on by sleep deprivation.

Heart health

Lack of sleep can raise blood pressure and heart rate, both of which can result in heart disease.


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