What's Flat White Coffee Google's Celebrating?

Ipsita Bhattacharya
Mar 11, 2024

Google Hails Flat White Coffee

Google has paid tribute to the popular beverage, flat white coffee, with a colourful animated Doodle.

What Is Flat White Coffee

In 2011, the term ‘flat white’ was added to the Oxford English Dictionary. A coffee drink of steamed milk poured over a shot of espresso is speculated to have been first served in Australia and New Zealand

How Is It Made

By blending micro-foamed milk with either a single or double shot of espresso, a flat white is made. The drink is known for its smooth texture and creamy taste.

Difference With Latte

Both are expresso-based coffee. But the espresso in a flat white tends to have a stronger taste while Lattes dilute the espresso more.

Who Prefers Flat White

Those who want their coffee to have less foam than a cappuccino or latte, prefer flat whites.

Origin Of Flat White

While there is no proof, it is speculated that the drink first appeared on the menus of Sydney, Australia, and Auckland, New Zealand, during the 1980s.


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