World Dream Day:7 Mind-Blowing Facts About Dreaming

Priyanka Soam
Sep 25, 2024

Less Stress Leads To Better Dreams

As we all know reduced stress improves the quality of sleep which leads to vivid and positive dreaming, and stress leads to depression, and high blood pressure which makes your dreams negative or nightmares.

Memories Inform Your Dreams

Dreams are generated from your consolidated memories and life experiences, as during brain strengthens connections between sleep and neurons, which leads to enhancing learning and memory retention.

Men And Women Dream Differently

Men and women both dream differently due to their hormonal differences, men often dream aggressively, action-oriented, and achievement while women's dreams are emotional, social, and focused on relationships.

Negative Dreams Are More Common

Due to the amount of stress many experience in their daily life, dreams have become often negative as everyone is suffering from stress that leads to anxiety, fear, anger, and sadness which leads to negative dreaming.

Part Of Your Brain Shuts Down While You Dream

During sleep, the prefrontal cortex, or the part of the brain that helps you to find logic and make decisions shuts down. Which makes your dreams mostly seem illogical or irrational.

While Dreaming, You’re Motionless

While you’re dreaming, the brain makes it impossible for you to move and this temporary paralysis prevents you from acting out dreams and promotes safety, it is so because the brain disables motor neurons during REM sleep.

You Can Take Control Of Your Dreams

Understandable dreaming allows you to remain semiconscious, especially in ornate and visual dreams, that is called lucid dreaming. It will enable you to take on an active role in the storyline of your dreams.


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