World Sleep Day: 10 Bed Drinks That Help You Sleep Peacefully

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Warm Milk

This traditional treatment has been helping people fall asleep for decades, and people still use it today.

Chamomile Tea

One of the greatest beverages to have before bed is chamomile. This is because it has apigenin, a medicinal antioxidant. It is commonly thought that this antioxidant might aid inducing sleep and lessen anxiety.

Decaffeinated Green Tea

The capacity of green tea to aid in weight loss is a topic of great interest in the modern world. Green tea can also help you fall asleep if you take away its caffeine boost.

Almond Milk

Because almond milk includes magnesium, which can help induce relaxation and reduce muscle tension, making it easier to fall asleep, it's a terrific choice for bedtime.

Lemon Tea

Herbs like lemon balm have been used for millennia to promote sleep. Research has demonstrated that consuming tea infused with lemon balm might lessen anxiety and enhance the quality of sleep.

Banana Smoothies

A banana smoothie is another fruit-based sleep aid that is great for encouraging healthy sleep patterns and is simple to prepare before bed.

Coconut Water

Given that coconut water is frequently used, or at least promoted, as a beverage that boosts energy, it may come as a surprise to see it on our list. In actuality, though, coconut water is packed full of nutrients that can improve your quality of sleep.


If you're thirsty before bed or during the night, plain old water can help you keep hydrated. It's not the most interesting beverage to have before bed.


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