Yoga For Stress Relief: Here Are 7 Poses To Relax

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 05, 2023

Sirshasana (head stand)

Sirshasana, also known as the head stand, relieves stress and improves concentration. This Yoga exercise helps in expelling toxins and improving the flow of blood to the brain.

Shishuasana (child pose)

Shishuasana, which is called a child pose, gives you deep rest and relaxes your back. This Yoga asana helps in putting the chattering mind to rest and keeps the brain fresh.


Paschimottanasana calms the brain and helps in relieving stress. This Yoga asana soothes headache and anxiety.

Matsyasana (fish pose)

Matsyasana, also known as the fish pose, relieves tension in your neck, throat, and shoulders and helps in relaxing your body.


Hastapadasana stretches all the muscles of the back and one feels invigorated after this Yoga exercise. It increases the blood supply to the brain and results in relaxation.

Bhramari pranayama

Bhramari pranayama helps in calming the nervous system and removing stress. This Yoga asana makes the brain more receptive and focused.

Bhastrika pranayama

Bhastrika pranayama keeps the cerebrum active. This Yoga pose helps the energy to keep flowing and removes harmful toxins from the body.


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