What Will Happen If An Aircraft Engine Fails?

Lakshya Rana
Aug 20, 2024


If an aircraft engine fails, the outcome depends on several factors, including the type of aircraft, the altitude, and the experience of the pilot.


Most commercial aircraft are designed with multiple engines, allowing them to continue flying safely even if one engine fails.

Redundant Systems

Aircraft are built with redundant systems, and pilots undergo extensive training to handle engine failures.

No Crash!

Therefore, even though an engine failure is serious, it does not necessarily lead to a crash.


The aircraft may need to reduce its altitude and speed to maintain stability and efficiency with the remaining engine(s).


In the process, the pilot communicates with air traffic control (ATC) and follows specific checklists.

Safe Landing

The pilot will typically divert to the nearest suitable airport for a safe landing, as per the guidance from ATC.


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