8 Best Sci-Fi Films Of All Time!

Interstellar - 2014

Directed by Christopher Nolan, the film follows an Ex-NASA pilot Joseph Cooper who leaves his farm to lead a space mission in search of a new home, uncovering unexpected discoveries along the way.

Inception - 2010

Another masterpiece directed by Christopher Nolan the film stars Leonardo DiCaprio in a pivotal role, The sci-fi action film follows a team of professional thieves who specialize in infiltrating victims' subconscious minds to steal information.

The Matrix - 1999

The film stars Keanu Reeve in a key role, under his hacker alias "Neo," an unassuming computer programmer who discovers the truth about his simulated reality.

The Prestige - 2006

The Sci-fi film explores the fierce rivalry between stage magicians, both willing to risk everything to perform unprecedented stunts and prove their supremacy in their craft.

Alien - 1979

Directed by Ridley Scott, 'Alien' is indeed a legendary film that has left an indelible mark on the science fiction and horror genres. The film blends atmospheric tension, and groundbreaking visuals creating a timeless cinematic experience that still captivates audiences.

Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse - 2023

Directed by Joaquim Dos Santos, It's a stunningly unique superhero film. It surpassed expectations, expanding Miles' story into a vast multiverse filled with other Spider-People like him.

WALL-E - 2008

Directed by Andrew Stanton, The Pixar film depicts a world where garbage has engulfed most of the Earth, painting a bleak future for humanity.

Everything Everywhere All At Once - 2022

The film is a must-add to the list as it broke the records for most awards won. When A middle-aged Chinese immigrant embarks on a wild adventure to save existence by exploring other universes and connecting with the alternate lives she could have led. (All Images: IMDb)


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