(All photos credit: X)
Aired in 1994 to 2004, revolves around the hilarious, heartwarming and homely lives of six friends living in New York City. The show is still loved for its unforgettable characters.
The story follows Ted Mosby and his friends living in New York City and 2030 Ted telling his children how he met their mother. The series is a perfect blend of love and humor.
An American television sitcom aired in 2007 centers around Sheldon and Leonard, two best friends, who are socially awkward scientists and their hilarious lives.
Aired in 2009 to 2020, follows the lives of three families, nuclear, blended and same sex living in Los Angeles. The relatable family dynamics makes the show funnier.
Aired in 2005, An American Mockumentary is about everyday office life of Michael Scott and Jim Halperta and more. The chaos, romance and wittiness makes it a must-watch show.
A hilarious show showing crime solving and heartwarming friendships, a story of seven New York Detectives will make you stick to the show in every season.
An animated sit-com premiered in 1999 revolves around the story of Griffin Family based in a fictional town called Quahog is a very popular adult animated series you can’t miss.