11 Best Money Making Habits To Become Rich

Zee Media Bureau
Jun 20, 2023

Pay Your Debt On Time

Paying your debt on time is the most wise thing to do. This way you have no liabilities and newer dues will also not get piled up

Invest Properly

Investing does not mean that you have to spend a hefty amount. Even if you think it is little, invest as much as you can from your income so that you can used it for the rainy day

Have A Budget

A well planned budget means you will never struggle on your spending front

Minimum Reliance On Credit 

We all love spending on the thing we want, but don't forget that credit card comes with heavy interest rate. Pay on time will save you from paying high price

Keep Record For Money Investment

Keeping a record of your finances and investment will make you grounded on the fiscal path. Also if you have an idea about your spending, you will know incase you have been defrauded

Spending On The Essential Items

A certain amount of pleasure is allowed, but spending money on useless or inappropriate products is a waste of time. If you don't absolutely need that leather bag, your current Jute bag will do just fine

Plan For Your Retirement

Your own money will be the pillar of strength in your old age. Calculate how much you will need to be comfortable after your retirement and start saving for it

No Compulsive/Mindless Shopping

A good trait of a wise spender is that he/she does not go for compulsive or mindless Shopping so that they don't stockpile on things they don't require

Save Enough Money

The famous saying 'money saved is money earned' holds true to date. Saving money will not only give you cushion during emergency, it will also add to your fund

Not Exceeding Spending Vis-A-Vis Income

Never let your expenses exceed your income. This would only result in indebtedness and credit card debt, both of which will permanently harm your financial resources

Paying Heed To Income-Spending Ratio

Give your income-to-spending ratio the highest consideration. Even if your income slightly increases, resist the want to spend it. Use your money wisely


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