How To Get Help During Medical Emergency Onboard A Train In India?

Medha Jha
Apr 23, 2024

Call 138 Emergency Helpline Number

If you or any passenger needs immediate assistance or medical help, dialling 138 connects you to the emergency central railway helpline.

Contact Onboard Personnel

You can approach Train superintendents and guards for first aid kit and essential drugs available on the train.

Request Unscheduled Stops

In case of a medical emergency, you can Contact the emergency helpline or onboard officers to arrange an unscheduled stop with medically trained personnel at the nearest station.

Seek Information from Station Master

Station master can provide information about local doctors, clinics, private hospitals, and government-funded healthcare facilities.

Check Passenger List for Doctors

Onboard doctors are often listed separately on the passenger list. Ask a ticket examiner to help you locate a doctor on the train.


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