Top 10 Major UFO Sightings In History

Take a look at top 10 major UFO sightings all over the world

Ritesh K Srivastava
Jul 27, 2023

1. Yellowknife, Canada

Canadian air traffic controllers spotted two white lights moving in a circular pattern over Northwest Territories in 2023.

2. The Phoenix Lights Incident

In 1997, multiple witnesses reported seeing a large, triangular-shaped object flying over Phoenix, Arizona. The object was described as being massive in size, silent, and emitting a series of lights.

3. Rendlesham Forest Incident, UK

In 1980 near the joint US-UK military base of RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge, military officers encountered an unidentified glowing object in the forest, which they described as being metallic and emitting a bright light.

4. Gulf Breeze Six, Florida

In the late 1980s, six Florida residents claimed to have encountered a series of strange flying objects, including a large triangular-shaped craft. Some believe that the sightings were genuine encounters with extraterrestrial craft, while others argue that they were hoaxes or misidentifications of other aircraft.

5. Westall UFO Incident, Australia

Multiple witnesses in Melbourne saw a large, disc-shaped object hovering low in the sky above a school in Westall in 1966. The object was described as being silent and emitting a bright light. It reportedly landed in a nearby field before taking off again.

6. Lakenheath-Bentwaters Incident

In 1956, a series of strange lights were seen in the sky over the Bentwaters and Lakenheath air bases in the UK. They were described as being large, glowing objects that were flying at high speeds and performing unusual maneuvers.

7. Maury Island Incident

A large, doughnut-shaped object was seen hovering above the waters of Puget Sound, and strange objects, including rocks and metal fragments, reportedly fell from the craft and landed on the nearby island of Maury.

8. Bonnybridge, UFO Hotspot

The picturesque Scottish town of Bonnybridge between Glasgow and Edinburgh came to be known as the world's UFO hotspot with more than 6,000 sightings forcing the residents to demand a thorough probe into the alien crop circles sightings.

9. Coyne Helicopter Incident

The Coyne Helicopter Incident is a well-known UFO sighting that took place in Ohio in 1973 when a US Army helicopter encountered a strange, cylindrical object that was reportedly hovering in the air. The object was described as being over 100 feet in length and having several lights on its surface.

10. Delphos UFO Sighting

In 1971, a large, glowing object was reportedly seen hovering in the sky above Delphos. It was described as being circular in shape and emitting a bright light.


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