7 Stunning Cosmic Photos Recently Captured by NASA

Siddhi Sharma
Sep 17, 2024

The Pillars of Creation Revisited

Unprecedented intricacy of star formation in the Eagle Nebula is seen in this stunning new image of the famous Pillars of Creation taken with the James Webb Telescope.

Neptune’s Rings in Focus

For the first time in many years, NASA's Webb Telescope was able to take a picture of Neptune's thin rings, providing a remarkable look at the far-off frozen planet and its atmosphere.

Tarantula Nebula in High Definition

With its breathtaking new close-up, the Tarantula Nebula reveals thousands of nascent stars and complex dust clouds, solving some of the huge star-forming region's riddles.

A Dying Star’s Final Act

The Southern Ring Nebula, seen in this image taken by the Webb Telescope, is a vibrant cosmic spectacle that shows a dying star losing its outer layers in detail.

Stephan’s Quintet Galaxies Colliding

Five galaxies in Stephan's Quintet are shown interacting in this striking image, providing important new information on galaxy mergers and the creation of supermassive black holes.

Auroras on Jupiter

The strong magnetic field of Jupiter produces bright auroras on its poles, which cast the massive gas planet in stunning electric blue tones that Hubble was able to photograph.

Deep Field Image of Distant Galaxies

Thousands of galaxies from 13 billion years ago are visible in Webb's deep field view, providing us with a window into the early stages of the cosmos following the Big Bang.


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