Juno Mission's Glimpse into a Swirling Giant

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 31, 2024

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration regularly capture the images of universe which leaves us stun every time.

Social media handles of US Space Agency shared a picture of ‘Chaotic Clouds and Cyclonic Storms’ of Jupiter in their recent post.

Juno Spacecraft:

According to NASA, image was captured by Juno spacecraft on 12 May during the close flyby of Jupiter.

The colour enhanced pictures of planet provides an insight of its northern hemisphere. It offers a close-up shot at cyclonic storms and chaotic clouds which scientist refers a folded filamentary region.

In this picture, you can see the close view of northern hemisphere with swirling clouds and storms in white, blue and dark orange colours.

As per scientist, 9 spacecraft have visited Jupiter: 7 flew by, and two have orbited, including their Juno mission, which arrived in 2016.

According to scientist, stormy Jupiter is swept by over a dozen prevailing winds in which some reaching up to 335 miles per hour at the equator.

A swirling oval of clouds is two times wide from the Earth which has been observed by Giant planet for more than 300 years.

At the times of taking raw image, Juno spacecraft was about 18,000 miles above the Jupiter’s cloud, at latitude of about 68 degree north of the equator.


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