7 Jaw-Dropping NASA Pictures Of Space and Planets

Zee Media Bureau
Sep 09, 2024

Pillars of Creation

This iconic image from the Hubble Space Telescope showcases towering clouds of gas and dust in the Eagle Nebula, a stellar nursery where stars are born.

Jupiter's Great Red Spot

A stunning shot of Jupiter, highlighting the massive, swirling storm that has raged for centuries, was captured by NASA's Juno spacecraft.

The Helix Nebula

Dubbed the "Eye of God," this breathtaking image of a dying star's outer layers expanding into space offers a glimpse of the universe's cycle of life and death.

Saturn's Rings from Cassini

The Cassini spacecraft delivered mesmerizing close-ups of Saturn's intricate ring system, showcasing details never seen before.

The Andromeda Galaxy

This stunning mosaic from Hubble captures the sprawling majesty of our closest galactic neighbor in unprecedented detail, showing billions of stars and cosmic phenomena.


Taken by Apollo 8 astronauts, this awe-inspiring view of Earth rising above the lunar horizon reminds us of our planet's beauty and fragility.

Mars Rover's Sunset

A serene photo of the Sun setting on Mars, taken by the Curiosity rover, reveals a hazy blue sky on the red planet.


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