Top 8 Countries AT Risk Of Climate Disaster

Zee Media Bureau
Jun 02, 2023


Due to its low-lying location in the Indian Ocean, the Maldives is particularly susceptible to sea level rise. The Maldives could completely engulf due to rising water levels.


It is a country with a high population density, and a sizeable amount of its landmass is found in low-lying coastal regions. Bangladesh is at risk of experiencing significant land loss as a result of both increasing sea levels and an increase in the frequency of catastrophic weather events.


Another little Pacific island nation that is most vulnerable to sea level rise is Kiribati. Fiji's government has already made a land purchase to serve as a potential future residence for its populace.


Due to the rising sea levels, the Polynesian island nation of Tuvalu suffers the same difficulties as other low-lying nations. Tuvalu is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change due to its tiny size and little resources.


The Nile River, which Egypt greatly relies on, is in danger of having less water flow because of altered rainfall patterns and rising temperatures. Climate change may have an impact on Egypt's agricultural production as it alters the flow of the Nile.


Somalia already faces a number of difficulties, such as political unrest and persistent droughts. Droughts and growing desertification could put further strain on the nation's resources as a result of climate change intensifying these problems.


Sudan is susceptible to the effects of climate change, such as desertification, rising temperatures, and altered rainfall patterns. These elements may cause a severe hunger crisis in the nation.

Marshall Islands

Rising sea levels also pose a threat to the Pacific Ocean's Marshall Islands. Low-lying coral atolls in the nation could lose land and have freshwater resources contaminated.


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