7 Common Habits That Can Damage Your Smartphone Display

Using Sharp Or Hard Objects:

Avoid using sharp objects like keys or pens on your smartphone screen as they can scratch or damage it.

Not Using A Screen Protector:

Without a screen protector, your phone's display is more vulnerable to scratches, smudges, and cracks.

Leaving It In Extreme Temperatures:

Exposure to extreme heat or cold can damage the display, causing it to malfunction or crack.

Dropping Your Phone:

Accidentally dropping your phone can result in cracks or damage to the display, especially if it lands on a hard surface.

Ignoring Software Updates:

Not updating your phone's software can lead to performance issues that may affect the display's responsiveness or functionality.

Using Excessive Force:

Pressing too hard on the screen or tapping aggressively can cause stress on the display, leading to potential damage over time.

Leaving It Face Down:

Placing your phone face down on rough surfaces can scratch the display or cause debris to accumulate, affecting its clarity. (Image Credit: All Images From Freepik)


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