7 Easy Tips To Spot Deepfake Videos

Weird Facial Expressions

Keep an eye out for any strange facial movements or expressions which does not match up with a real person. (Pic Credit: Freepik)

Awkward Posture

Deepfakes can sometimes have weird posture or movements that just don't look right. (Pic Credit: Freepik)

Audio Doesn't Match Lips

Pay close attention to the audio in the video and compare it to the person's lip movements. (Pic Credit: Freepik)

Behavior Check

Check if the behavior shown in the video matches with what you know about the person. (Pic Credit: Freepik)

Source Verification

Always verify the source of the video for trustworthiness. (Pic Credit: Freepik)

Strange Blurring or Distortions

Look closely at the video for any signs of strange blurring or distortions. (Pic Credit: Freepik)

Use Deepfake Detection Tools

When in doubt, make use of deepfake detection tools that are available online. (Pic Credit: Freepik)


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