7 Jobs That Will Be Dominated by AI In future

With the increasing use of AI technologies in various sectors of the economy.

let's explore the industries where AI is likely to establish its dominance.


Robots are thought to be used for safety & security purposes as they can perform dangerous and repetitive tasks without endangering human workers.

Data Analysis:

As AI can analyze vast amounts of data quickly, it is considered apt for aiding decision-making in sectors like finance and accounting.


Robots are actively being used for tasks such as surgery, physical therapy, and caregiving.


AI precisely automates judgement and helps with tasks like planting, harvesting, and monitoring crops.


Automated self-checkout systems and logistics are becoming more common in the stock control market.


Self-driving vehicles are making their way through public transportation.

Customer Service & help centers:

Chatbots and virtual assistants are increasingly used in customer support.


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