7 Tips To Secure Your Gmail Account

Image Credit: Freepik

Ankur Mishra
Apr 14, 2024

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

Add security with a second verification, like a phone code. Enable in Gmail settings for account protection.

Regularly Update Your Password:

Change Gmail password every few months. Use strong, unique passwords for security.

Beware of Phishing Attempts:

Be cautious of suspicious emails seeking sensitive info. Stay vigilant to protect your account.

Review Third-Party Access:

Regularly check and remove unnecessary third-party apps. Trust and keep only essential ones.

Monitor Account Activity:

Watch for unusual logins. Gmail logs help detect unauthorized access.

Use Secure Connections (HTTPS):

Access Gmail via secure connection only. Avoid public Wi-Fi for safety.

Set up Account Recovery Options:

Add alternate emails or phone numbers for easier account recovery.


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