7 Ways To Save Petrol While Driving

Maintain Proper Tire Pressure:

Keep your tires inflated to the recommended pressure to reduce rolling resistance and improve fuel efficiency.

Drive Smoothly:

Avoid sudden acceleration, braking, and speeding as they can increase fuel consumption.

Reduce Idle Time:

Turn off the engine if you're going to be stationary for more than a minute to save fuel.

Use Air Conditioning Wisely:

Use the AC conservatively, as it can significantly impact fuel consumption. Opt for natural ventilation whenever possible.

Plan Efficient Routes:

Plan your trips to minimize distance and avoid traffic congestion, which can lead to fuel wastage.

Lighten the Load:

Remove unnecessary items from your vehicle to reduce weight and improve fuel efficiency.

Regular Maintenance:

Keep your vehicle well-maintained with timely servicing, clean air filters, and proper engine tuning to ensure optimal fuel efficiency. (Image Credit: All Images From Freepik)


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