Dangers Of AI For Humanity

Will It Be a Threat?

ChatGPT has taken the Internet by Storm. Other companies jump into the bandwagon following that. It stirs the debate whether AI would be a threat for humanity in the future or not.

Many Thinkers Warn

Many scientists and thinkers including Stephen Hawking warned Humanity against the AI, which can overpower us.

Elon Musk Warns

Now, tech billionaire Elon Musk called for AI regulation so it won’t become a threat.

Tech Companies Jump Into Bandwagon

Google also announced its AI Bard which is currently not available for public. Similiarly, Facebook unveiled its language model which runs on AI.

The Possibility Of Matrix

AI makes the computer thinking capability to not remain dependent on AI. The ‘Movie’ Matrix can become a reality with the rise of destruction-programmed AI.

Wipe Out Multiple Jobs

It has the potential to wipe out some current jobs including graphic artist, content writer, so on. It can put an existential crisis on humanity.


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