Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg AI-Generated Pics Walking The Ramp Go Viral

Rise Of Generative AI

Generative AI is a type of machine learning in which bots process huge data and information to generate new content such as videos, texts, images, etc. using patterns and creativity. It is challenging humans in artistic, statistical and thinking pursuits, those are reserved for homo sapiens till now.

Boom Of AI Apps

AI chatbot, developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT has taken the world by storm since the launch in Nov 30, 2022. Since then, AI-based apps spout rapidly, dominating the world market and heralding the age of AI.

Tech Giants Jump Into Bandwagon

After the phenomenal success of ChatGPT, several tech giants including Microsoft and Google launch their AI bots in the market in hope of capturing the fast pace changing world. Bing and Bard are at the early age so far.

ChatGPT Gets More Powerful

OpenAI is constantly working to make it AI bot more powerful and creative than earlier versions. It recently launched GPT-4, which is more creative and advanced.

Concerns Of AI

Experts forewarning that AI could have potential to gobble down our jobs and to make humans redundant.

Musk, Harari, Other Experts On Pause Of AI Training For 6 Months

Several prominent leaders Elon Musk, Yuvan Noah Harari, and others have urged OpenAI to pause its AI training for 6 months. It is expecting that OpenAI will launch GPT-5 by the end of the year.

ChatGPT Banned In Several Countries

Several countries have banned ChatGPT due to several issue. Recently, Italy became the first western country to ban AI bot due to privacy concern.


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