From India To USA - These Countries Have Banned TikTok So Far

Varun Yadav
Mar 18, 2023


Indian government banned TikTok and several Chinese apps in 2021 over privacy and security concerns. It came shortly after the Galwan clash, in which over 20 soldiers were killed. The ban was made permanent in 2021.

United States

The US government ordered its public agencies to not use TikTok or remove the app within 30-days.


Pakistan authorities have banned TikTok intermittently since October 2020, citing concerns that app promotes immortal content.

New Zealand

TikTok will be banned for New Zealand lawmakers and other workers inside the Parliament on their government phones. The decision was taken on Friday.


Canada government, followed by US, asked its public officials to not use the app because over privacy risk and security.


Taiwan banned the app for the public officials followed by FBI report warning a national security risk by TikTok.

The United Kingdom

The UK government asked its government employees to not use TikTok on Wednesday over security concern.


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