Mobile Addiction? 5 Ways to Stay Away From it

Though Mobile phones are an integral part of our lives, the gadget has the propensity to make us addicted to it --which several health experts caution against.

5 Things to do For Mobile De-Addiction

Here are 5 ways to try for Mobile De-Addiction

Read a Book

Books are man's best friend. Cliché? But it is still true. Books can be a great way to untether yourself from mobile addiction

Spend Time With Family/Friends

Spending quality time with family and friends is all we need to de-stress ourselves. Keep your mobile phone away for a while and dedicate time to your family or friends


Cooking is a great stress-buster for a lot of people. Consider it an opportunity to stay away from your mobile phone while you are rustling up a storm in the kitchen


Spend time on something you are passionate about. It could be picking up your favourite hobby --music, pottery, craft-making or anything that you like

Look Around

Sometimes all you need is just stand and stare. Simply keep your mobile phone away and gape at the abundance that nature or your city or your town has to offer


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