10 Amazing Indian Souvenirs To Bring Home From Your Trip


It should come as no surprise that there is an abundance of leatherware in India, as it is the world's fourth-largest producer of leather goods. There is a wide selection of products to pick from, including gorgeous leather journals, purses, wallets, and other goods.

Traditional musical instruments

There are numerous Indian instruments, though the sitar is arguably the most well-known. The tabla, mridangam, tanpura, sarangi, and ravanahatha are a few examples.

Kondapalli toys

It's likely that you may locate these unusual wooden toys in the Andhra Pradesh village of Kondapalli, where they first appeared. They feature animals, landscapes from rural life, and Indian deities painted in stunning hues.

Tibetan prayer flags or prayer wheels

Tibetan prayer flags or prayer wheels make lovely keepsakes from the Tibetan areas of India. These are primarily found in the Indian Himalayas, specifically in McLeodganj (home of the Dalai Lama), Manali, and Leh.

Sandalwood carvings

Sandalwood is native and endemic to India, and sandalwood carving is an ancient craft that’s been done here for many centuries.

Blue pottery

Another wonderful memento to take home from your journey to India is the exquisite blue ceramics from Jaipur. The Mughals brought this style of art to Jaipur from Persia and Afghanistan.

Kashmiri carpets

The state of Kashmir, also called Heaven on Earth, is famous for its authentic hand-knotted carpets.

Kutch embroidery

Kutch work, also known as Kutch embroidery, is a type of handicraft in which lovely patterns and motifs are created on fabric (often cotton or silk) using stitches produced with silk or wool. It is distinguished by the use of beads, mirrors, and vivid colours. The name "Kutch work" comes from the Kutch district of Gujarat, where the skill first appeared in the 16th century.


India is the second-largest tea producer in the world, and drinking chai (tea) is immensely popular in the country. There are many tea variations in India, but some of the most popular ones are Darjeeling, Masala and Assam tea.

Pashmina shawls

Kashmir and Ladakh are world-famous for their pashmina shawls, which are made from the wool of Tibetan mountain goats. These shawls are available in an abundance of beautiful colours with many different patterns.


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