10 Countries in The World That Changed Their Names

Turkey - Türkiye

In 2021, Turkey changed its official name to Türkiye to better reflect the local language and heritage.

Holland - Netherlands

The Netherlands officially renamed in 2020 to avoid confusion and emphasize the country's full geographical and cultural scope.

Burma - Myanmar

In 1989, Burma was renamed Myanmar to more accurately represent its diverse ethnic groups and cultures.

Ceylon to Sri Lank

The country adopted the name Sri Lanka in 1972 to mark its transition to a republic and shed colonial associations.

Persia - Iran

In 1935, Persia changed its name to Iran to signal a new era of national identity and modernization.

Siam - Thailand

Siam became Thailand in 1939 and again in 1949 to reflect its national identity as the "land of the free."

Czechoslovakia - Czech Republic and Slovakia

The peaceful split in 1993 resulted in two separate countries to better represent their distinct national identities.

Swaziland - Eswatini

In 2018, the country was renamed to celebrate its 50th anniversary of independence and reflect indigenous heritage.

Zaire - Democratic Republic of Congo

In 1997, the name was changed to signify the end of Mobutu's dictatorship and a return to its pre-1971 name.

Cape Verde - Republic of Cabo Verde

The name was officially changed in 2013 to honor the Portuguese language and heritage.


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