10 Unexplained Mysterious Places Of India

Roopkund Lake Skeletons:

Skeletons found in Roopkund Lake, also known as Skeleton Lake, have puzzled researchers for decades. The origin and cause of death of these remains, dating back to the 9th century, remain uncertain.

Kodinhi’s Twins Mystery:

Kodinhi, a village in Kerala, reportedly has an unusually high number of twins. The reason behind this phenomenon is not fully understood and has led to various speculations.

The Bhangarh Fort Curse:

Bhangarh Fort in Rajasthan is considered one of the most haunted places in India. Legend has it that a wizard cursed the fort, leading to its abandonment and eerie occurrences.

The Magnetic Hill of Ladakh:

Vehicles are said to roll uphill on the Magnetic Hill in Ladakh, seemingly defying gravity. The optical illusion or magnetic anomaly responsible for this phenomenon remains unexplained.

The Kongka La Pass UFO Sightings:

The Kongka La Pass, located on the India-China border, has reportedly been a site for mysterious UFO sightings. However, the veracity of these claims is questionable.

The Jamali Kamali Mosque Haunting:

The Jamali Kamali Mosque in Delhi is rumored to be haunted, with visitors reporting strange experiences. The reasons behind the alleged paranormal activity remain unknown.

Jatinga Bird Suicides:

The village of Jatinga in Assam witnesses a strange phenomenon where birds inexplicably plunge to their deaths during certain months. The cause of this behavior is unclear.

Taj Mahal’s Architectural Precision:

The precision and symmetry of the Taj Mahal’s construction have amazed experts for centuries. The techniques used to achieve such perfection in the 17th century are still not fully understood.

The Great Himalayan National Park Lights:

Mysterious lights have been reported in the Great Himalayan National Park, leaving locals and researchers puzzled. The origin and nature of these lights are yet to be explained.

Kalpvriksha – The Wish-Fulfilling Tree:

In the Parijaat tree in Kintur village, Uttar Pradesh, locals believe it fulfills wishes. The tree’s origin and the reason behind its revered status remain a mystery.


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