7 Most Unique Buildings Around the World

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 14, 2024

Indra Gandhi Planetarium, India

This mind-blowing building in India opened in 1993. The building conjures image of Saturn, complete with a series of rings.

Piano and Violin Building, China

This musically inspired building was built in 2007. The building is, nothing more and nothing less, than a grand piano with a giant glass violin as an entrance.

Nautilus House, Mexico

This unique, shell- shaped house was built in 2006. A blend of art and modern architecture, the house even features an indoor garden.

Crystal Island, Russia

This eye-catching building in Moscow is set to become the world’s largest building. This tower will include a thermal buffer on the outside of the building.

House Attack, Austria

The Museum Moderner Kunst, conjures the image of a small family home hurting itself onto the roof.

The Dancing House, Czech Republic

The Dancing House and the Fred and Ginger building are common nicknames given to the Nationale- Nederlanden building in the Czech Republic.

BMW Welt, Germany

This space age-looking building is not only eye catching, but also a triumph of green energy as well.


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