7 Street Foods That You Must Try In Mumbai This Winters

Pav Bhaji

A quintessential Mumbai street food, pav bhaji is a spicy vegetable curry (bhaji) served with soft bread rolls (pav). It's a flavorful and filling dish that's perfect for the winter months.

Kanda Bhajji

These deep-fried onion fritters are perfect for the winter season. The crispy texture and the combination of spices make it a popular choice during the colder months.

Keema Pav

For those who enjoy non-vegetarian options, keema pav is a must-try. It consists of spiced minced meat (keema) served with soft bread rolls. It's a hearty and satisfying dish for the colder months.

Vada Pav

Often referred to as the "Indian burger," vada pav consists of a spicy potato fritter (vada) sandwiched in a pav, served with chutneys. It's a quick and tasty snack widely enjoyed on Mumbai's streets.

Samosa Chaat

While samosas are available year-round, a samosa chaat is a delightful winter twist. Crushed samosas topped with yogurt, chutneys, and spices create a flavorful and comforting dish.

Bhel Puri

A classic Mumbai street food, bhel puri is a combination of puffed rice, sev, chopped vegetables, and chutneys. It's a light and refreshing snack that can be enjoyed in the winter breeze.


While jalebi is available throughout the year, the winter season often sees an increase in its popularity. This sweet and syrupy dessert is a perfect way to end your street food adventure on a sweet note.


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