7 Unknown Facts About Andaman Nicobar

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 06, 2024

Name Inspiration:

Do you know that the names Andaman and Nicobar are inspired by the Malaya Language.


The language which is used the most here is not andamanese or nicobarese. It is Bengali, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam.

Largest Turtles:

You can see the world's largest turtles here in the Andaman and Nicobar islands.

Ross Island:

This was once a headquarters of the Japanese and British. Now it is under the control of the Indian navy.

State Animal:

Do you know that dugong, the gentle sea cow, is the state animal of Andaman and Nicobar.

Nicobar BreadFruit:

This is the rare fruit which is widely eaten in Nicobar island.


As this is an Island there are various types of fishes present but the fact that commercial fishing is banned there.


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