7 Unknown Facts About Kailash Parvat

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 09, 2024

Path To Heaven

Kailash Parvat is considered a path to heaven in Hinduism and many other religions also.

Kailash Is A Pyramid

According to many scientists, the mountain is like a perfectly symmetrical pyramid, unlike the usual mountains which have asymmetrical natural shapes.

Kailash Mountain Cannot Be Climbed

With an elevation of 6,656 m above sea level, Kailash Mountain remains unclimbed due to its steep and challenging terrain.

Mysterious Shape And Sacered

The shape of Kailash Parvat is mysterious and sacred to many people. Many believe that there is an OM-shaped symbolic representation on the face of Kailash Mountain.

Two Lakes Nearby

Mount Kailash has two beautiful lakes at its base: Mansarovar, the world's highest freshwater lake at 14,950 feet, and Rakshas Tal.

Four Major River’s Origin

Four major rivers, including the Indus, Sutlej, Brahmaputra, and Karnali, originate from Kailash Parvat.

Centre Of The World

Kailash Parvat is considered the centre of the world by many believers in different cultures and religions.


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