8 Most Stunning Libraries In The World

Pic source: Unsplash

Royal Portuguese Reading Room

Considered as one of the most beautiful libraries in the world. (Picture Credit: Pexels)

Strahov Monastery Library, Prague

It is one of the most preserved places with approximately 200,000 volumes. (Picture Credit: Instagram)

National Library of Finland, Helsinki

This beautiful place is completely a loved place by book worms. (Picture Credit: Unsplash)

Starfield Library, South Korea

Beautiful infrastructure with modern and aesthetic architecture. (Picture Credit: Unsplash)

Library of El Escorial, Spain

Nicknamed as the Escurialense or Laurentina. It is a beautiful gem of Spanish Renaissance architecture. (Picture Credit: Instagram)

Tianjin Binhai Library, China

This is also named as “The Eye” on its central sphere. This will keep the visitors mesmerized with its beauty. (Picture Credit: Unsplash)

Tama Art University Library, Tokyo

This library gives an ancient feel. This is a must visit place for architecture or book enthusiasts. (Picture Credit: Instagram)

Admont Monastery Library, Austria

The beautiful interior with a hall adorned with frescoes and various religious texts. (Picture Credit: Unsplash)


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