8 Unique Japanese Fruits You Must Try Once

Zee Media Bureau
Oct 31, 2023

Japanese Pomelo – Buntan

Japanese pomelo, known as "buntan" or "bontan," is a sizable citrus fruit with around 40 variations in Japan.

Nectarine – Nekutarin

Nectarines, akin to peaches, have smooth skin, a tangier taste, and firm, juicy yellow flesh, differing notably from peaches in their lack of fuzz and a slight crunch.

Japanese Plum – Ume

Ume, a revered fruit in East Asia, boasts vibrant flowers inspiring art and a flavorful taste in its yellow or red-skinned fruit.

Japanese Pear – Nashi

A beloved East Asian fruit with a green skin, distinct spots, and a larger, crunchier profile than Western pears, often recognized by its spherical shape.

Japanese Persimmon – Kaki

These fruits, resembling pears or apples, come in varying colors and are typically consumed fresh after peeling.

Japanese Lemon – Sudachi

Sudachi, from Japan's Tokushima Prefecture, resembles yuzu but is smaller with round, green skin.

Mandarin Orange – Mikan

Renowned for its citrus flavor, is a must-try fruit in Japan, believed to have origins in both China and Japan.


Yuzu, known for its tart taste similar to a blend of lemon and mandarin, is ideal for juices, jams, and Japanese cuisine.


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