Bizarre Places On Earth Where Water Disappears

Kirti Mahor
Sep 25, 2024

Here are ten strange locations on Earth where water vanishes:

Lake Afrera in the Danakil Depression in Ethiopia

The intense heat and salt cause the water to evaporate.

Sinkholes in Botswana's Okavango Delta

Water vanishes into subterranean tunnels.

The Devil's Kettle (Scotland)

A submerged cave is where half of the water in the River Brora disappears.

Lake George, Utah, USA

Sinkholes and subsurface rivers cause the water to completely disappear.

The Jacob's Well

Water rushes into a series of underwater caves at The Jacob's Well in Texas, USA

The River Alph In England

Water vanishes into a cave made of limestone.

Lost Lake (Oregon, US)

Every year, lava tunnels cause the lake to totally empty. The lake bed becomes dry until the rainy season replaces it when the water vanishes into these natural conduits.

The Cenote Angelita

Water rushes into a river that is submerged at Cenote Angelita in Mexico.

The Sargasso Sea

The Northern Atlantic Sargasso Sea Ocean currents cause water to evaporate.

Vanishing Water In The Darvaza Crater (Turkmenistan)

Water enters a natural gas reservoir that is underground.


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