List of 10 Oldest Rainforests in The World

Daintree Rainforest (Australia)

Located in Queensland, Australia. It is the oldest rainforest in the world.

Borneo Lowland Rainforest (Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia)

The age of this rainforest is around 140 million years. Home to diverse species, this ancient forest is crucial for biodiversity.

Taman Negara (Malaysia)

This forest is over 130 million years old. It is one of the world's oldest tropical rainforests.

Amazon Rainforest (Brazil)

While not the oldest, it has been evolving for millions of years and is the largest rainforest. It spans across Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana.

Caspian Hyrcanian Mixed Forests (Iran, Azerbaijan)

Dating back 25-50 million years, it spans Iran and Azerbaijan.

Reunion National Park (Reunion Island)

The age of this rainforest is around 2 to 2.5 million years. It contains remnants of ancient forests with unique biodiversity.

Kakamega Forest (Kenya)

This forest is over 2 million years old, situated in Kakamega and Kisumu, Kenya. You will need guides to visit this rainforest.

Pando (USA)

Known for its ancient clonal colony of aspen trees, located in Fish Lake National Forest, Utah, USA. It is one of the largest single organisms in the world.

Yakushima Forest (Japan)

It is over 7,000 years old located on Yakushima Island, Japan. This forest is known for its ancient cedar tress and moss-covered landscapes.

Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest (USA)

This forest is over 5,000 years old. It is located in Inyo National Forest, White Mountains, California, USA.


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