9 Animals That Live in Mud

Zee Media Bureau
Apr 15, 2024

Razor Clam

Living buried in sand or mud, these clams can dig very quickly to evade predators.

Red-Wattled Lapwing

A bird that frequents marshy wetlands and mudflats, laying its eggs in small depressions in the mud.

Bog Turtle

This small, semi-aquatic turtle lives in muddy marshes and boggy areas, often burrowing into the mud.

Mud Snail

These snails live in tidal mudflats and are adapted to survive periods of dryness when the tide is out.


Many species of catfish burrow into mud and use their barbels to detect food in murky water.

Snapping Turtle

These freshwater turtles are often found buried in mud, which they use for camouflage and hibernation.


A type of fish that can walk on mud using its fins, mudskippers can breathe through their skin and the lining of their mouth and throat.

Fiddler Crab

These crabs are famous for their uneven claws and are often found in mudflats where they dig burrows.

Water Buffalo

Often seen wallowing in mud, these animals use mud to cool off and protect themselves from insects.


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